Or rather several crochet-y new bags. I decided to make halloween bags for Mhara & Rowan based on the easiest thing to crochet - circles. I was so chuffed with the resulting pumpkin that I thought I'd see how many different round bags I could make. Two weeks & several bouts of finger-cramp later I had 6 bags - enough for my 4 & my niece & nephew to get one each at their gran's halloween party. At the last minute I discovered my sister's stepson was coming too which is why there are 2 eyeballs - it was the quickest one to make in a rush. The kids all got them yesterday & loved them (probably 'cos they were filled with chocolate mind you). We'll see how long they last . . .

It's taken 2 days but I've finally managed to upload close-ups of all the bags (darned pc's been playing up). Spud the spider now has a sparkly silver web handle (crocheted on a packed bus on the way to the party heh heh), Oggle & Boggle have retinas on the back (uurrgh!) & the handles are the optic nerves & Hecatty has pink pads on the backs of his paws but hubby dearest forgot to take rear-view pics (you just can't get the staff) so you'll just have to use your imagination lol.