HOWEVER . . . the Pratchgan is starting to come together nicely. I have 17 patterned squares (16 to sew in & 1 in reserve) plus 3 lettered squares for the logo.
My postie is already starting to give me strange looks when he hands over yet another parcel bearing a customs form that states it contains a knitted square - I'm not sure whether to put him out of his misery & tell him what I'm up to or wait until he cracks & asks first.
Anyway, enough waffling - I know you all want to see the pics.
This should look amazing when it's done :0)
that's going to look amazing when it's done!
I cannot wait to see what it looks like all put together.
This looks so fantastic it makes me want to learn to knit or crochet!
The librarian is class!
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