Firstly a huge thank you to everyone who left a suggestion - 16 of you between here & MN! Since there were so many I've drawn an extra 2 names & there are now 5 prizes altogether.
So without further ado [cue drum roll]
1st prize (& I'm
so gonna get accused of a fix for this) -
Katy (GingerMonkey)
2nd prize -
CountessDracula3rd prize -
nbgdoesnthaveachristmasname4th prize -
DutchOma5th prize -
AnnabelCaramelSo Katy wins the bunny, CountessDracula & nbg both get a lip gloss holder & DutchOma & AnnabelCaramel both get a wee lavender pillow. Mhara did the draw from her pink straw cowboy hat (once we'd managed to wrestle it off of Rowan - pink is definitely not his colour) so any thanks/blame should be directed towards her.
Thanks again to everyone who took part - if the winners can email me their real names & addresses (email link on my profile page) I'll get the prizes in the post.