Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Swap time again

I just finished another ravelry swap (yeah, I know - surprise :0D). It was a winter warmer swap with a celtic theme. My partner was the lovely Hilary, who lives in Germany.

The parcel arrived in a HUGE box & weighed a ton - at first I thought Iain had been ordering stuff without telling me (this does happen occasionally, although usually it's me ordering stuff without telling him). Mhara & Rowan got very excited as they helped me unwrap it & as usual insisted on sniffing everything as it came out of the box (dunno where they've picked up that habit from ;0P).

There was a beautiful bag -


Inside which was lots of KoolAid (including green, blue & yellow - squeee!) . . .


. . . fabulous handmade stitch markers with real garnet beads . . .


. . . and fun stuff too - temporary tea tattoos & sheepy stickers -


There was fabulous sock yarn -


Tea & caramel waffles (these are the most gorgeous things I've ever put in my mouth) & the piece de resistance - a tea-pot with hand-knit cosy & matching crocheted hot-pad all wrapped up in a lovely scarf -


This is the parcel in all its glory (minus the 2 bars of hazelnut chocolate which sadly didn't last long enough to be photographed) -

Celtic warmers parcel from HilaryGermany

My parcel is on its way to Hilary as I type & if she likes it half as much as I love mine I'll consider it a job well done.

Thanks again Hilary - you've been a fab swap partner :0)


igel said...

Wow! Please keep going on vacations and engaging in wonderful swaps--those of us who are enjoying it vicariously really appreciate it!

*Such* a lovely swap! Enjoy!

Unknown said...

an amazing swap parcel! Lucky you!!!!