The Pratchgan was handed to Terry in the foyer tent at the Edinburgh International Book Festival today at 1:00pm.
He was rather pleased, as you can see here -

& after he'd stopped laughing he had a good look at all the squares -

He was especially tickled by [skimo](/people/Skimo)'s librarian square - we all know what a soft spot Terry has for orangs - but he loved all the squares & was pointing out different ones & having a snigger -

There were loads of people going past & I could hear people gasp when they saw us (dunno if it was Terry or the Pratchgan that was getting the gasps). dh says loads of folks were taking pics of the Pratchgan from behind Terry.

I had a wee bit of trouble folding the darn thing back up -

but eventually it was back in the bag & able to be handed over -

along with all the letters -

& then Terry was kind enough to sign my copy of Thud! with a personal message - To Shirley with thanks -

before heading off to get miked up for his reading.
Funniest bit was just as they left - there was guy of about 17 or so standing just behind them & he turned to me & said 'he was just, like, *there!*' in a thunderstruck voice.
Terry loved the Pratchgan - he said it must have taken a thousand seamstresses a long time to make. He said it's outrageous & over-the-top & brilliant & he's gonna put it on his bed. Just before he left he said '& I still aten't dead' :0D
The reading was fabulous. Terry talked about Nation & read some of it (he read a bit that required him to sing!) & also about the new Discworld novel that he's working on - Unseen Academicals. Nation isn't a Discworld book so I wasn't going to buy it but I will now 'cos it sounds fab. Someone asked Terry who his fave character is & he says it's Vimes - squeeee!
I got a text from Rob on the way home - I've to email the pics to him so he can put them on !
I'm so relieved that The Pratchgan is now with its new owner. I have a wee bottle of wine here so I can celebrate properly tonight.