Monday, 12 November 2007


The lovely GingerMonkey, who I know from another site, makes the most beautiful hand-sewn toys. I made the mistake of opening her blog while Mhara was hanging off my shoulder so wasn't too surprised when a little voice in my ear said "Santa bring one of them for me Mummy?". How could I refuse? Amelie the Emu arrived last week with her luggage & immediately took up refuge in a safe-house (aka a box in the bottom of my wardrobe) where she will stay until Christmas. She seems quite happy here & the Scottish winter doesn't seem to have affected her so far but she has developed an addiction for whisky & fudge so we may need to loosen her legwarmers soon.

Photo courtesy of GingerMonkey - thanks GM ;0)


Unknown said...

She's fab ! Lovely colours too. My daughter Tilly has a pink one and she resides in a big pink tent in Tillys' big pink bedroom ...

Unknown said...

The fudge addiction's genetic, I'm afraid - comes from me ;)

Oh good lordy, I love a bit of fudge (even a little finger of fudge keeps the craving under control - but the big fat juicy homemade stuff sends me completely loopy!)

I'm so glad you're pleased with her, and hope Mhara is too!

sewtakeahike said...

She sure is a cutie!! Sounds like you better keep a supply of fudge on hand for the alkie or she may get violent!